Receding Gums

Do your teeth appear longer than usual?
Are you teeth sensitive when you drink anything hot or cold? . If yes, you might actually be the victim of receding gums. A condition normally seen occurring with age, but can also occurs in younger individuals.

1. Age: Gradual changes of the gingiva due to minor trauma  and infection over the years can lead to down ward  displacement of the gingiva.

2. Faulty brushing techniques may also result in receding gums.
3. Abnormally tilted teeth.
4. Strong band of muscles in the mouth may be attached to the gingiva, the constant contraction of which may result in receding gums. e.g. A small strip of muscle band is present between & above the two upper central anterior teeth. If this strip of muscle is too thick it can cause an upward displacement of the gingiva resulting in exposure of the roots of the teeth.

An unsightly smile due to exposure of the roots of the teeth as a result of downward displacement of gingiva.
          -  Sensitivity of the teeth to hot or cold food items.
          -  Food getting stuck between the roots of adjacent

The level of the gingival in relation to the tooth diagnoses this condition. If the level of gingiva is below the line, which separates the crown of the tooth from the root, it is diagnosed as gingival recession. 

Treatment of this condition is by a small surgical procedure. The displaced gingival is repositioned by detaching the gingival and tying it up at the optimal level. - But before this surgery all the regular procedure to create a healthy gingival is undertaken such as regular brushing, scaling, root planning, gum surgeries etc.,

When more amount of tooth surface is exposed to the saliva in the oral cavity, the rate of tooth to decay is also  high. Thus covering of the teeth by the gingiva is very essential.


Can receding gum occurring in relation to all the teeth in the mouth be treated?

Receding gum can be treated in relation to a few teeth, but treatment of all the teeth is not possible. But prior treatment will definitely improve the condition and prevent further occurrence.


Gingiva - soft thin tissue covering the bone supporting the teeth.

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